Healing Tao Basics for Women


Casual people do not visit this website. If you are already here, you are probably interested in how to be happy, how to fill yourself with life force, how to be feminine and loved. To help you understand, if this training is suitable for you, we list below for whom this course is designed for.


For whom this course is intended:

  • For strong women who no longer want to be similar to men. With the same way of thinking, decision making, without affording any weaknesses. For women who have already proved themselves and everyone else that they can reach prosperity and succeed in a career. For women who already understand that all these things do not really make them happy and who are looking for their own feminine way in life.
  • For women who realise that they should change something in their lives. That they have to understand something very important about life. For women who feel that they should start doing something new but postpone it from day to day. For women whose disappointment with life, themselves and relatives grows bigger and bigger and whose sense of guilt and own inconsistency is constantly increasing.
  • For women who have devoted themselves to the house and family, sacrificing their own interests, friends and dreams for the sake of relatives. For women who feel that they are not noticed in life. For women who want to regain their private space and happiness.
  • For women who are trying to find a balance between work and family, who are always in a hurry trying to do many things at the same time. For all women for whom it is very difficult to get up in the morning and who feel tired throughout the day.
  • For single women who want to create true relations and who already understand that changes should perhaps be made by the way they think or by their attitude towards life.
  • For women who have problems with health, who have chronic or acute diseases and want to heal themselves. For women who understand that any health problem indicates inner disbalances and who are searching for a way to create inner harmony.
  • For women who participated in various workshops, tried many exercises from different systems but could not continue with them. For those who wish to create their own approach to life and systematise all their knowledge and skills.


Who definitely does not need to participate in this course?


  • Women who know that they know everything and who are closed to new information.
  • Women who are not ready to change their usual way of life.
  • And those who for various reasons are not ready for deeper internal work, which is actually not an easy process.


What you can get from this course?


  • Specific tools for filling yourself with life force energy. There has to be sufficient energy to wake up early in the morning with the desire to start the new day and to live it fully and successfully.
  • Tao techniques to transform negative energy into positive life force. These practises help to work out offenses, fears, guilt, jealousy and disappointments, to release them and to start living a new interesting life.
  • The ability to feel the body and to hear its signals. The knowledge how to clear our organism, how to leave behind illness, how to boost the immune system and adjust the metabolism to give yourself youth and beauty.
  • The ability to feel yourself as a true woman - sincere, spontaneous, intuitive, gentle and full of love. The capability to empty yourself in the evening in order to be filled with new thoughts, ideas and feelings the next day. The experience of opening a great feminine source inside and the ability to work with creative energy to create a joyful and happy life.


What is special about this course?


  • The form of study is designed to achieve practical results. The course is divided into 5 classes. This form of education is different from two-day trainings where you get a lot of information and then you should digest everything by yourself. All main issues arise during self-practice. Our students have the opportunity to ask questions, to repeat exercises with the teacher, to trace progress and they get first results already during the course.
  • In this course we will learn the basic Tao practises, e.g. the Inner Smile, the Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic Orbit and other techniques. All practises and exercises are taught in a feminine way. Presently as many women live, think and act as men it is especially important for them to cultivate in themselves Yin (feminine) energy. The female way is a way of pleasure. Thus we learn not to force ourselves to do exercises but to find pleasure doing them.
  • The Taoist tradition is more than five thousand years old. During this time millions of people were benefiting from Tao practises worldwide. For thousands of years practitioners mastered and refined these practises and handed down the essence. That is why they are very simple and very productive as they act on many levels of our consciousness and body at the same time.

We hope that this information is helpful for you.


If you decide that this course is for you, please call to ask any further questions and to register for the next course.


Tao Yoga – thousands of years well-tried and time-tested by Taoist masters;

made-to-measure the challenges of our current times.


Аuthor: Life Essence Tao Center