Sacral Body Architecture

Sacral Body Architecture Natalie Droen

Dear ladies!


First of all we would like to explain how this system could be useful for you and which results could be achieved from it.


Who needs Sacral Body Architecture classes...?

  • Women who wish to get a deeper understanding of their inner universe through the physical body and who wish to understand how the body is created and how it operates and who want to get practical experience in designing their body according to universal laws.
  • Women who have problems with their spine and joints, with their metabolism and excess weight, but who would like to keep the beauty of their body.
  • Women who wish to improve their body posture: the correct place of the shoulders, the extended aristocratical neck, a beautiful posture of the head, a straight back and light feet. Every woman who wants to learn how to sit and walk correctly and beautifully.
  • Women who have "lost" their body for some time, forgot about it and want to restore the ease, beauty and sensitivity of their organism again.
  • Women who were into man's types of exercises and who feel that their Yang (male) energy increased. All women who are interested in female types of exercises which empower their female nature.
  • Women who understand that physical exercises should be done together with internal work and conscious breathing, and who look for a system which unites these types of work.


Which results could be achieved through Sacral Body Architecture practise...?

  • To restore flexibility of our joints, to correct our backbone, to learn how to stand correctly on our feet. To solve various locomotion problems.
  • To stop "shortening" with age. To understand how to extend the body up and to keep a feeling of flying.
  • To experience how to free the body from blockages, clamps and problems and how to improve the internal state. To get to know the inner world through the body.
  • To keep being young and even youthful at a mature age. To eliminate the belief that after 35-40 years we have to grow old and that it should be difficult to keep the beauty of the body. To understand that at any age we remain women – beings who carry beauty and harmony into life, as an embodiment of internal and external beauty.
  • To learn to ask questions from ourselves and to receive answers. Nobody except you knows how it is best to act in any given situation, which directions to choose in life, which goal to achieve. Through insights a woman can reach a deeper understanding of herself.
  • To learn a complex system including physical exercises, healthy conscious breathing and deep internal work. A system that brings together our body, consciousness and soul and thus creates true internal harmony.


We hope that this description is useful and we look forward to welcoming you to our classes or workshops.


Аuthor: Life Essence Tao Center


Furthermore we teach the following classes exclusively for women: